Masterpiece of Beauty and Seduction:
Commentary on Trouble in Paradise (1932 film)

You can’t know Screwball Comedy if you don’t know Ernst Lubitsch and Trouble in Paradise (1932) opines Aliece Pickett, founder of the Film Society of Screwball Comedy ( as she introduces the film. The film stars Herbert Marshall, Miriam Hopkins and Kay Francis; Directed by Ernst Lubitsch.




Wordplay as Foreplay:
Commentary on Trouble in Paradise (1932 film)

Film Society of Screwball Comedy ( co-founder Ed Schroeder joins Aliece Pickett to discuss the love triangle between two seductive thieves and a cosmetics executive and what may just be the perfect film, Trouble in Paradise (1932 film) a screwball comedy. The film stars Herbert Marshall, Miriam Hopkins and Kay Francis; Directed by Ernst Lubitsch.

Screwball’s Pre-code Envelope Pusher:
Commentary on Design for Living (1933 film)

Legendary film critic and author Molly Haskell introduces Design for Living (1934 film), and discusses the “Lubitsch Touch” and how he worked around the censors and the Production Code. Introduction of Molly Haskell by Aliece Pickett, founder of the Film Society of Screwball Comedy.

Screwball’s Pre-code Menage a Trois:
Commentary on Design for Living (1933 film)

Legendary film critic and author Molly Haskell joins Aliece Pickett, founder of the Film Society of Screwball Comedy (, to look at Pre-Code Screwball Comedy and how master filmmaker Ernst Lubitsch and writer Ben Hecht were able to use visual cues and dialog to get still-provocative and racy scenes past the censors in 1933 film Design for Living.

Screwball Heroines From Soup to Nuts:
Commentary on Design for Living (1933 film)

Legendary film critic and author Molly Haskell joins Aliece Pickett, founder of the Film Society of Screwball Comedy (, to look at the advent of the Screwball Comedy Heroine. And examine how master filmmaker Ernst Lubitsch had unconventional female characters driving unconventional plots and characterizations, but with the use of clever dialog, and double entendre could imply much– yet show nothing overtly objectionable.

Carole Lombard’s Breakout Screwball Role:
Commentary on Twentieth Century (1934 film)

Film historian and author Olympia Kiriakou introduces the Screwball Comedy Twentieth Century (1934 film), discusses Carole Lombard’s breakout role and performance that was one of the highlights of her career. Introduction of Olympia Kiriakou by Aliece Pickett, founder of the Film Society of Screwball Comedy (

From “Milda Plotka” to Screwball Queen:
Commentary on Twentieth Century (1934 film)

Film historian and author Olympia Kiriakou joins Aliece Pickett, founder of the Film Society of Screwball Comedy (, to discuss how Carole Lombard helped usher in the Screwball Comedy under the direction of Howard Hawks, how Howard Hawks developed the screen persona of the Screwball “Hawksian Woman”, and John Barrymore’s audacious performance in Twentieth Century (1934 film).

Not Your Mama’s Romantic Comedy:
Commentary on It Happened One Night (1934 film)

Film Society of Screwball Comedy ( founder Aliece Pickett discusses with Lauren Wolfer the advent of the Screwball Comedy genre, the elements of Screwball, and the reasons It Happened One Night (1934 film) is more Screwball Comedy than Romantic Comedy. The film stars Clark Gable, Claudette Colbert, Walter Connolly and Roscoe Karns; director Frank Capra; screen play by Robert Riskin.

Screwball’s Glorious Tribute to Drinking:
Commentary on The Thin Man (1934 film)

Film Society of Screwball Comedy ( founder Aliece Pickett discusses with Lauren Wolfer the sexy, married Screwball couple, Nick and Nora Charles in Screwball Comedy’s glorious tribute to drinking: The Thin Man (1934 film). And the beginning of the sleuthing-bantering couple sub-genre. It stars William Powell, Myrna Loy and Maureen O’Sullivan; directed by W.S. Van Dyke; screenplay by Albert Hackett and Frances Goodrich and story by Dashiell Hammett.

Screwball’s Sexiest Marrieds:
Commentary on After The Thin Man (1936 film)

Film Historian and author, Rob Kozlowski discusses the sexy, married Screwball Couple, Nick and Nora Charles, and examines the making of After the Thin Man (1936 film). And how the married screen writers Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett crafted this sequel that many consider better than the original Thin Man. Introduction of Rob Kozlowski by Aliece Pickett, founder of the Film Society of Screwball Comedy.

Screwball Skewers Nora’s Rich Kin:
Commentary on After The Thin Man (1936 film)

Film historian and author Rob Kozlowski joins Aliece Pickett, founder of the Film Society of Screwball Comedy (, to discuss the sleuthing couple, Nick and Nora Charles, and how Nick skewers Nora’s rich relations in the Screwball Comedy masterpiece After The Thin Man (1936 film). The film stars William Powell, Myrna Loy and James Stewart; directed by W.S. Van Dyke; screenplay by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett and story by Dashiell Hammett.

Jimmy Stewart, Movie Villain:
Commentary on After The Thin Man (1936 film)

Film historian and author Rob Kozlowski joins Aliece Pickett, founder of the Film Society of Screwball Comedy (, to discuss Jimmy Stewart’s first role as a villain in the film After The Thin Man (1936 film), and the evolution of Stewart’s career. The film also stars William Powell and Myrna Loy; directed by W.S. Van Dyke; screenplay by Albert Hackett and Frances Goodrich and story by Dashiell Hammett.

Screwball’s “Forgotten Man”:
Commentary on My Man Godfrey (1936 film)

Film Society of Screwball Comedy ( founder Aliece Pickett and Lauren Wolfer discuss Screwball’s “Forgotten Man” and the Queen of Screwball, Carole Lombard in the Screwball Comedy: My Man Godfrey (1936 film) and its “Forgotten Director” Gregory La Cave. It stars Carole Lombard, William Powell, and Gail Patrick.

Screwball’s Tabloid Trouble:
Commentary on Libeled Lady (1936 film)

Film Society of Screwball Comedy ( founder Aliece Pickett and Lauren Wolfer discuss this satire on the Tabloid press, and the sumptuous Cedric Gibbons’ Art Deco sets in the Screwball Comedy: Libeled Lady (1936 film). The film stars Jean Harlow, William Powell, Myrna Loy and Spencer Tracy; director Jack Conway; and screenplay by Maurine Dallas Watkins and Howard Emmett Rogers.

How Cary Grant Became “Cary Grant”:
Commentary on The Awful Truth (1937 film)

Film Society of Screwball Comedy ( founders Edward Schroeder & Aliece Pickett discuss The Awful Truth (1937 film) and director Leo McCarey’s influence on Cary Grant perfecting his film persona; the film’s satire on wealth, use of the screwball element “comedy of remarriage” and use of 7-musical episodes for comic effect. The film co-stars Irene Dunne and Ralph Bellamy; production designer Lionel Banks; and costume designer Robert Kalloch.

Kalloch’s Costumes in Screwball:
Commentary on Holiday (1938 film)

Fashion historian and author Kimberly Truhler discusses the Elevation and Escapism Through Costume in the Screwball Comedy Holiday (1938 film) and how Robert Kalloch’s costume designs influenced Screwball Comedies. Introduction of Kimberly Truhler by Aliece Pickett, founder of the Film Society of Screwball Comedy (

Costume-evolution of Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn

Fashion historian and author Kimberly Truhler joins Aliece Pickett, founder of the Film Society of Screwball Comedy (, to discuss how Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn’s costumes from the 1930s to the 1940s evolves toward their authentic selves. And how Robert Kalloch and Adrian’s costumes impacted fashion, and the cues costumes provided in the Screwball Comedies Holiday (1938 film) and The Philadelphia Story (1940 film).

Girl on the Hunt:
Commentary on Bringing Up Baby (1938 film)

Film Society of Screwball Comedy ( founder Aliece Pickett discusses with Lauren Wolfer what makes a film a Screwball Comedy, the spectrum of Screwball Comedy and the reasons Bringing Up Baby (1938 film) is more Screwball Comedy than Slapstick Comedy or Romantic Comedy. It stars Katherine Hepburn, Cary Grant, May Robson and Charles Ruggles; director Howard Hawks; and screenplay by Dudley Nichols and Hagar Wilde.

Gender Bender Screwball:
Commentary on His Girl Friday (1940 film)

Film Society of Screwball Comedy ( founder Aliece Pickett & Lauren Wolfer discuss the gender bender Role Reversal in the Screwball Comedy His Girl Friday (1940 film) and director Howard Hawks. It stars Cary Grant, Rosalind Russell, Ralph Bellamy and Gene Lockhart; production designer Lionel Banks; and costume designer Robert Kalloch.

Cary Grant Melts Screwball’s Ice Princess:
Commentary on The Philadelphia Story (1940 film)

Film Society of Screwball Comedy ( founder Aliece Pickett discusses with Lauren Wolfer the Screwball Comedy of Remarriage in The Philadelphia Story (1940 film) and the evolution of the careers of Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn. It stars Katherine Hepburn, Cary Grant, James Stewart and Ruth Hussey; director George Cukor; and screenplay by Donald Ogden Stewart.

Screwball’s Sexiest Scene:
Commentary on The Lady Eve (1941 film)

Film Society of Screwball Comedy ( founder Aliece Pickett discusses with Edward Schroeder Screwball Comedy’s sexiest scene in The Lady Eve (1941 film), and the mastery of writer-director Preston Sturges. The film stars Barbara Stanwyck, Henry Fonda and Charles Coburn.

Floozy Outwits Professors:
Commentary on Ball of Fire (1941 film)

Film Society of Screwball Comedy ( founder Aliece Pickett & Lauren Wolfer discuss the brilliant satire of out-of-touch professors in the Screwball Comedy Ball of Fire (1941 film). And Barbara Stanwyck’s sexy performance with Gary Cooper under the direction of Howard Hawks, and the hilarious script written by Charles Brackett and Billy Wilder.

Comedy Gets No Respect:
Commentary on Sullivan’s Travels (1941 film)

Entertainment journalist and author Kristen Lopez (But Who Wrote The Book? (TCM Books, 2023)) discusses the importance of laughter and how laughter is used in Sullivan’s Travels (1941 film) to examine issues and create social change. Introduction of Kristen Lopez by Aliece Pickett, founder of the Film Society of Screwball Comedy (

Veronica Lake, Screwball’s Forgotten Heroine:
Commentary on Sullivan’s Travels (1941 film)

Entertainment journalist and author Kristen Lopez (But Who Wrote The Book? (TCM Books, 2023) joins Aliece Pickett, founder of the Film Society of Screwball Comedy (, to discuss Screwball’s forgotten heroine, Veronica Lake. They examine her films, life and acting in the Screwball masterpiece, Sullivan’s Travels (1941 film). As well as her and Joel McCrea’s performances for director and writer Preston Sturges. Kristen shares stories from her interviews of the families of Veronica Lake and Joel McCrea.

Steven C. Smith in suit & tie.

Screwball’s Serial Murderer:
Commentary on Arsenic and Old Lace (1944 film)

Film historian, biographer, and author Steven C. Smith (Music By Max Steiner (Oxford 2020)) discusses Max Steiner’s underscore composition for the serial murdering-aunts and brother in the Screwball Comedy classic Arsenic and Old Lace (1944). The film stars Cary Grant, Raymond Massey, Josephine Hull, Jean Adair, Jack Carson, Priscilla Lane, Peter Lorre, and Edward Everett Horton; director Frank Capra, screenplay writers Julius Epstein and Philip Epstein, film editor Daniel Mandell.

Steven C. Smith in suit & tie.

Max Steiner, Screwball’s Music Maestro:
Commentary on Arsenic and Old Lace (1944 film)

Film historian, biographer, and author Steven C. Smith (Music By Max Steiner (Oxford 2020)) and Aliece Pickett, founder of the Film Society of Screwball Comedy (, discuss the screwball comedy film Arsenic and Old Lace (1944), Max Steiner’s score, Cary Grant and Raymond Massey, director Frank Capra, screenplay writers Julius and Philip Epstein, and the film’s pacing as edited by Daniel Mandell.


Is Marriage Necessary?
Commentary on The Palm Beach Story (1942 film)

Legendary film critic and author Molly Haskell on Screwball Comedy’s enduring appeal and relevance, and how Preston Sturges propelled women from passivity to action with dialogue and physicality. Introduction of Molly Haskell by Aliece Pickett, founder of the Film Society of Screwball Comedy (

Using Sex to Get Ahead:
Commentary on The Palm Beach Story (1942 film)

Legendary film critic and author Molly Haskell joins Aliece Pickett, founder of the Film Society of Screwball Comedy (, to look beyond Screwball Comedy’s escapist froth to its challenge of Romantic Comedy’s “happily ever after” trope. And they examine the parallels between writer-director Preston Sturges’ film The Palm Beach Story (1942) and his personal life.

Judy Holliday, from Screwball Heroine to FBI Target:
Commentary on Adam’s Rib (1949 film)

Film Society of Screwball Comedy founder Aliece Pickett ( introduces Adam’s Rib (1949 film), and discusses Judy Holliday’s audacious response to being targeted by the FBI, and her Congressional testimony before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC).

Who’s Wearing the Pants in Screwball Comedy:
Commentary on Adam’s Rib (1949 film)

Film Society of Screwball Comedy founder Aliece Pickett ( discusses with Edward Schroeder how Adam’s Rib (1949 film) playfully satires career vs. marriage and adultery / domestic violence via role-reversal plots. It stars Katherine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy and Judy Holliday; director George Cukor; and screenplay by Ruth Gordon and Garson Canin.

Sly Satire on the Age of Conformity:
Commentary on Harvey (1950 film)

Film Society of Screwball Comedy ( founders Edward Schroeder & Aliece Pickett discuss Harvey (1950 film), a screwball comedy satire on post-WWII social, economic and political conditions that led people to retreat into conformity and strict gender roles that became known as the “Age of Conformity”; and the film’s Broadway origins. The Pulitzer Prize winning play was written by Mary Chase. The film stars James Stewart, Josephine Hull, Jessie White, and Peggy Dow; director Henry Koster; and film editor Ralph Dawson.